Monday, February 14, 2011

Oscar Nominated Rankings

King's Speech
1. not boring
2. surprisingly engaging
3. good moral
1. different
2. great special effects
3. cool begining
True Grit
1. great landscape
2. good western
3. great character developement
The Social Network
1. the swiching between lawsuit and what happened was cool
2. music fits the mood of the movie for the entire movie
3. good story
Toy Story 3
1. great animation
2. story was predictable
3. too similar to first 2 movies
Winter's Bone
1. slow moving
2. suspensfull music
3.predictable outcome

The Kings Speech is my favorite for winning the academy award for best picture because it shows the struggle of a duke, who will have to give many speeches, an he struggle speaking in general. it also shows the bond of friendship between a middle class man and the duke of york as they start out as a strictly buisness relationship and slowly but surely become best friends. finaly it shows how hard work and determination can pay off as the duke of york, now king george the 6th, gives a speech regaurding hitler, intended to give his people strength in this tough time, which no one though he could give as well as he did. I think the actor who played Bertie was realy good at acting like he actualy was a stutterer. The environment and the size and lighting of the rooms reflected how Bertie was feeling and I thought that was cool. I put this film in the #1 spot on my list because it told a story that was interesting but also brought me into the film so it felt like I was actualy in the room with the characters. for all the other movies it just felt like I was watching a movie but with The King's Speech I felt like I was in the movie.

Inception was a great action film intended to make you think about the what if's in realatiy like is this even reality. well for me at least it succeeded because I left the theater wondering if I was in a dream. Inception also had amazing special effects and alot of action, which for me is an important part of a good sci-fi film. The special effects were so well blended into the movie that I couldn't figure out what was filmed and what was compter generated. while this movie didn't speak to me on the same level as The Kings Speech, it did have the action and special effects that many of my favorite movies have and it inseted them into the movie in a way that flawless and amazing.

True Grit was new for me because I am not a big western fan but the movie made me feel the same anger the main character had towards the one that killed he father. the acting was exelent but it could have been better during some scenes. the whole movie was good but predicable and from what I have heard it follows the general guidelines for westers very closely. the wide open spaces or very confined indoor spaces show how well the environment immitated what most people picture as the wild west. while the movie wasn't as good as The King's Speech or as action packed as Inception it is one I would watch again.

The Social Network was a good movie about how Facebook was made but it felt too much like a documentary and once you have scene it and know how Facebook was created, you would not want to watch the movie again. the acting was ok but I wish the characters would have shown more emotion, they were very unemotional even during the law suite. the environment and the choice of musis fit the film very well but the movie felt too dark. overall the movie was good and should be watched, but not more than once. The Social Network was better than some movies like Winter's bone but it didn't match up to others like The King's Speech.

Toy Story 3 was a decent movie but it felt too much like the first 2 Toy Stories. yes it was a good ending to the trilogy but I wish it would have had more differentiation from the First 2 movies. while there was no acting the voice overs fit the characters very well. the animation and setting fit the movie but there wasn't anything memorable about it. if your a Toy Story fan then this movie is must see but for everone else it is up to you. this was not the worst of the 6 choices but it is definately not my first choice.

Winter's Bone was my least favorite out of the 6 choices for best picture. the ending was extremely predictable, the music was stressful, and the setting was dreary. yes I know this fits the film but I feel like they didn't have to have it for the entire movie. the only thing I liked about the movie was the acting, which was exelent. the whole feel of the movie was horror which doesn't make much sense because the movie is not a horror. overall this is my least favorite movie out of the 6 and I would have been fine if I had never seen this movie or even heard of it.

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