Friday, March 18, 2011

Stagecoach - Unforgiven - True Grit Comparison

Comparison of Stagecoach and True Grit:
Stagecoach and True Grit may have many things in common but they are still very different movies. Stage coach is in black and white and is definately male focused, while in true grit it is unclear who is the main character. In Stagecoach it is the indians who are the bad guys, no reason why, and all of the characters are trying to get to their destination before the indians find them, also there is no character developement for the indians, they just attack on sight for no reason. In True Grit the one of the main characters, the girl who I remember the name of, has a reason for wanting the bad guy dead and the bad guy actualy has some character building, unlike Stagecoach where the indians just come and attack out of nowhere. Stagecoach and True Grit still do have a lot in common, for example they both have indians in the film, each with different rolls, they both take place in the west and they both have the characters traveling great distances over several days. In the end it seems like True Grit is much more revisionist then Stagecoach which is an example of classic western.

Comparison of Unforgiven and True Grit:
Unforgiven and True Grit are more alike then different for reasons such as both are based on a quest for revenge and both end with a friend dieing. Unforgiven and True Grit have mostly the same storyline, someone is killed or injured, a retired old cowboy who is not as good as he used to be is hired to get revenge, they spend several days tracking them down, they finaly kill them but it is not as joyful as they would have hoped, a good friend ends up dieing, person goes on whith there normal life never realy getting over what happened. If you watch both movies you will notice that general storyline in both movies. Unforgiven and True Grit are not exacly the same movie though, the main difference being that the person who hires the retired old cowboy goes along with him in True Grit to make sure the job is done while in Unforgiven they stay behind and just asume that the cowboy is telling the truth. For the most part both Unforgiven and True Grit are mostly revisionist although Unforgiven probably more so for the main character not being the good guy with perfect morals and not being the guy that always does the right thing.

Is True Grit a classic or revisionist western:
I believe that True grit is more revisionist than classic because the cowboy does't get the girl, the indians are not the bad guy, and the cowboy is old and not at the top of his game. In True Grit the old cowboy who is hired is drunk most the time and even when he isn't he is still a bad shot, in classic westerns the cowboy would be young and would never miss a shot unless he intended to. also in True Grit the cowboy is not trying to kill the indians, which are usualy the bad guys in classic westerns, and he is to old to get the girl, to make things worse the girl gets her arm amputated which definately doesn't happen in classic westerns. for all the reasons stated above and a few more that are unlisted I believe True Grit is a more revisionist than classic western.